Here are some common Docker commands.
1. Search the Docker repository (like Docker Hub) for Docker images.
docker search IMAGE
2. Pull an image from the Docker repository.
docker pull IMAGE
3. Print the image change history.
docker history IMAGE
4. List all images on the host system.
docker images
5. Create and run a container. A container is an instance of an image.
docker run --name CONTAINER IMAGE
6. Create and run an interactive container.
docker run -it --name CONTAINER IMAGE
7. Create and run a container, and remove container on exit.
docker run --rm --name CONTAINER IMAGE
8. Create and run a container with a mounted volume from the host.
9. Create and run a container as a daemon.
docker run -d --name CONTAINER IMAGE
10. Attach to a running container.
docker attach CONTAINER
11. Tail the container console.
docker logs -f CONTAINER
12. Stop, start or restart a container.
docker stop CONTAINER docker start CONTAINER docker restart CONTAINER
13. List running containers.
docker ps
14. List all containers.
docker ps -a
15. List container ports.
docker port CONTAINER
16. Print low-level information on a container or image.
docker inspect CONTAINER|IMAGE
17. Delete a container, stop it first if running.
docker rm -f CONTAINER
18. Delete an image.
docker rmi IMAGE
19. Create a new image based on a Dockerfile.
docker build -t IMAGE
20. Commit container changes made using an interactive shell into a new image.
21. Push an image to the Docker repository.
docker push IMAGE:TAG
22. Display Docker system information.
docker info
23. Display running processes inside the container.
docker top CONTAINER
24. Display the container’s resource usage.
docker stats CONTAINER
25. Link two containers, a web application connecting to a database, using a secure tunnel.
docker run -d --name DB_CONTAINER DB_IMAGE docker run -d -P --name WEB_CONTAINER --link DB_CONTAINER:DB_ALIAS WEB_IMAGE
26. Create a new Bash session inside the container.
docker exec -it CONTAINER bash
27. Update to the latest Docker image. This will remove the old Docker container.
docker pull IMAGE docker stop CONTAINER docker rm CONTAINER docker run -d --name CONTAINER IMAGE
Bonus: Install Docker on Red Hat or CentOS.
yum install docker-io; service docker start; chkconfig docker on
A quick and helpful docker commands reference.